Are you ready to leave the drama of dualism and separateness behind?
When you enter expanded states of consciousness you reconnect to the essence of who you are... multidimensional and infinite, tethered to the highest frequencies of the multiverse, floating in All and No-Thing, and connected to the resonant network of Oneness.
Yes, friend…. that’s you.
In this five-part series, you will be able to connect and experience the essence of who you are, AND you will practice embodying this truth inside your physical world and daily life. This course guides you to attune to your a soul and aligning with your soul-led life, through immersive journeys in the quantum realm.
Soul Attunement: Journey beyond Illusion & Connect to the Essence of You
Healing journeys, energetic transmissions, and a resonant field of souls expanding together.
Sundays 12-1:30pm (Central US)
June 18th -July 16th, 2023
Each meeting we will journey into resonant attunement and receive the energetic transmission of different frequencies of the Soul. There will also be time to take questions from one or two volunteers to receive channeled guidance and healing by sharing personal challenges and ways they experience this disconnection. Doing this kind of healing in a group setting allows all participants to benefit because we are all connected, and allows the person sharing to be held in the healing vibrations of the group’s morphic field.
How does doing this “otherworldly “ kind of stuff actually help me in my “real” life?
Expand capacity during stress
More understanding of who you are and what you need
Seeing the world around you with more clarity
Relate to others from a more grounded and secure set point
The ability to release old stories and patterns
Increased discernment
Experiencing Love. Inviting in more love. Swimming in Love.
Enter meditative and altered states of consciousness
Finding and holding more loving states toward yourself and others
See yourself and your life from a higher perspective so you can navigate and respond well
Unlocking the thought traps and obsessive spirals of the monkey mind
More likely to integrate the learning and lessons found in challenging and initiatory experiences
More capability navigating relationships, jobs, networks, community, cultural trends, discussion threads, and the drama of dualism.
This does not replace your mental, emotional, and physical healing…this is what informs it. This is not blissing out into the ethers never to return, escaping the chaos of modern times. This is sourcing yourself first within the nonphysical, beyond the illusion of materiality, into the experience of the quantum essence of your Soul.
You can’t have day without night, or night without day. Likewise…you can’t have Light without Shadow….or Shadow without Light. And no one should be immersed in personal or collective shadow work untethered from higher consciousness.
This is beyond journaling and vision boards. There will be no coaching prompts about discovering your mission or purpose. …this is about connecting to the part of you that already knows who you are and what you need. Beyond that the choices of what a soul-led life are unique to you.
You will experience the spiritual essence of you.
And when this happens, you are “attuned” as in “tuned-in” to the guiding hand of the Cosmos, and your unique life’s blueprint.
The path unfolds before you. You see with clarity. New thoughts and insights drop into your awareness. Opportunity unlocks, connections are made, and synchronicities flow.
The path unfolds before you, because your Soul has led you there.