Don't Ignore the Physical

Dear strong and weary, brave and tender spiritual warriors,

We can get buried out there in the news, the grief, the healing. This may be part of the process, but let's not get lost there. Similarly, we can't ignore the realities of our physical world to escape ahead into the New Earth that we are seeding.

The transition from 3D to 5D is about supporting yourself in the physical world differently, not leaving it behind.

Moving into the 5D means more fluid and spiritual frequencies are governing our experience. We “tune in” to something expansive and light. We are able to hold and maintain a consistent flow state and expanded consciousness. 

However there is a pitfall here... there is a tendency during this spiritual awakening process to abandon the mundane, physical world because it does not hold the feeling of ‘expansion’ and ‘lightness’. That expansion feels so gooooooood!!! Why would we want to go back to the “negative” stuff? Especially when the 'real world' keeps getting more and more grim.

You cannot skip this step, it may even be the most important one to incorporate. You must bring the 5D into your physical world, your daily life. This is what it means to “embody” your Divine Self.

That means we can’t skip ‘doing our chores.’ Living a 5D life means cleaning our homes, paying the bills, moving our bodies, sleeping enough, eating well, hydrating, healing our heavy hearts, processing our emotions in real ways, interacting with other people of differing frequencies.

So perhaps, as we are sorting out this path of spiritual awakening, learning what it is, practicing the becoming, it would be prudent to first share what this path of 5D living is not.  

Ascending into the 5D vibrational landscape does not mean "blissing out "and leaving the responsibilities we have in the physical world behind.

Nor is it believing that we are above the laws of nature. We are OF this world. We can modify and work with these laws, but we cannot pretend they do not exist or label them simply “fear-based.” You cannot beat a virus by pretending it doesn’t exist, and you cannot address the the programs of Fear without also addressing the programs of your microbiology. 

I wear a mask. Unless you are someone that has shifted your frequency enough to consistently and naturally levitate or wake a heart that has stopped beating (yes, I do believe this is possible) then you are not trained in the ability to override the natural consequences of contact with a virus, simply by choosing to label it “fear”. 

This is a scary and irresponsible approach that I am seeing in parts of the spiritual and new age communities, and from people that I respected. So if you are confused about this it’s understandable. It is inaccurate to encourage people to take these actions based on only some of the principles of manifestation, but not a fully formed vision. My jaw still drops when I see this being spread like spiritual truth.

I want you to know that I do not agree. I am here to teach you teach how to navigate and upgrade our biological systems from the DNA level, not how to override our biological functions. There is a very significant difference.

It’s true that I have implemented 5D DNA activations specific to resisting the virus for myself. AND... I wear a mask and wash my hands. We are light bodies and physical bodies. Unless people are also capable of levitating and bringing back their stopped heart (totally possible, just not all) then simply declaring our truth doesn’t make it so. We must also take actions.

Also, I will be voting. Voting is harm-reduction (this is a statement going around the internet right now and I’m afraid I can’t credit a source that coined it.)  So I will be using a physical real world tool to stand up for the many people that are in real danger of what 45 and his white supremacist companions have been doing in this country.

We cannot “love and light” our way through this national election and global pandemic. Vote. Wear a mask. 99.9% of humans are not above the laws of the physical world.

Love and light are beautiful vibrations, and even spiritual truths, but they are not the only tools. (I also find it hasty and imbalanced to throw these approaches out with the bath water. They just need to be implemented in the physical world in some way, so as not to be caught in a whirlpool of spiritual bypassing.)

Choosing to not be governed by Fear is different from believing you aren’t governed by the biology of your humanness, or the same laws that restrict the rights of other humans, or the same world that is in a state of ecological collapse. The key is navigating these realities from a different source, without plugging into fear.

This is something we will talk more about in my upcoming course Shifting Frequencies, where we will talk all about the bliss and love and divine expansion of our spiritual ascension process AND how to navigate the reality of a physical world in the process. I suppose I thought it was important for you to know who I am and how I will guide your light body through a physical world. 

We will not ignore the physical, we will experience bliss while we live in it.

This is the skill set that is crucial to surviving what is and what is coming. We need more of us to hold these higher frequencies. I hope you will learn and expand with me though this process.

Sending you love and support,

And if you are seeking more support on how to navigate the physical world while holding healthy energetic boundaries, then you may be interested in my Energetic Boundaries and Spiritual Self Care course—a self-paced program designed to expand your awareness of how you connect with yourself and the world around you.

Traveling While Sensitive

We are more affected than we think...

Many of you are aware that we are needing to find deeper levels of self-care for our energy bodies because every interaction we have is so layered with points of attention and attachment as we move through the world. This happens in the workplace, in relationships, in crowded environments and events, and also while traveling.

In my own travels, I have found that when navigating long international flights, airports, busses, and trains, it is not so much an issue of movement, but of relating and interacting. There are layers of people in each public space... emotions, expectations, languages.

Remember that you are more than a physical body. You interact, knowingly or not, with each body of energy around you. The people. The land. The ancestors of place.

If you are sensitive or empathic, this may register as increased anxiety or tension, a sense of being overwhelmed, difficulty focusing, agitation.

We are sharing air and confined spaces, rushing for connections and trains that have changed platforms, standing room only on a bus with many threads of experience interacting for the next 7 minutes.

We are always affected by each other, yet we can regulate our energy bodies to stay strong and balanced in the midst of this overlapping chaos.

There are steps I take on every journey to reinforce and clear, to ground myself, to protect my energy and clear my aura.

A few basic strategies that I practice:

+ after leaving public spaces, sweep your aura to clear unwanted energies
+ play with the size of your aura, contracting it closer to you as you move through crowded spaces, expanding when you are in safe open places.
+ use your vertical axis of connection through Root and Crown to stabilize your movements in the horizontal world.
+ reinforce your connection to your Root Chakra and the Earth, repeatedly.
+ use Water, Smoke, and/or Feathers to clear the debris in your energy field and cut cords of attachment.
+ practice surrendering to a Flow that allows all transitions and movements to be easy.
+ Let yourself be guided by intuition instead of forcing solutions and controlling outcomes.
+ Honor the land where you are, each time you arrive, acknowledging the ancestors and energies that reside there.

Listen. Trust.

Ground. Center. Clear. Protect. Surrender.

With love,


P.S. If you are seeking additional support for strengthening your energetic boundaries, consider enrolling in my Energetic Boundaries and Spiritual Self Care course—a self-paced program designed to expand your awareness of how you connect with yourself and the world around you.

Tough Love for Healers

The world can't keep waiting for you.

This tough love message is specifically for the healers, the teachers, the light workers, the caregivers, the wisdom keepers, the guides, the providers, the witches, the earth angels, the coaches, the mentors, the leaders. Everyone has been called to awaken. And that includes you. (Don't worry, it also includes me.)

We are at another critical mass tipping point. The energies are pushing out of the seams as we are all out-growing our old ways of being.

I know you feel this. Can you see it too? In some not-quite-right-but-you-get-the-point kind of metaphor...I'm about to equate this to Tetris. The new information is falling at a pace that will not be stopped and it is up to us to respond quickly enough, to change shape, to integrate and embody the healing. We need to create more space.

There is more information, more people waking up, more people needing healing, and also, naturally...there are more healers.

This isn't about competition. In fact, I would argue that competitive jealousy is exactly the kind of ego-based behavior that is on the chopping block. So is hiding, fear, self-doubt, laziness, apathy, and more... We all need to be better at what we do. We all need to rise to the occasion. Because, if we are talking about the big picture, we are already up to our ears in tipping points.

The first step... ask yourself....What is the biggest block that is holding me back from taking up more of my role as a guide? Be honest. There may be a few of them. That's normal. But if you can, please, commit to working on one block. And if you can, please, commit to working on the biggest block you've got. It's okay to not know exactly what it is. But please, commit to finding out.

What if you are tired, depressed, confused, overwhelmed, sick, struggling?


I hear you.


We all are heavy in some way. This is exactly my point. These wounds are ancient. This healing is essential. It is a call to action to find what YOU need for your healing so that you can begin to feel better. Because we need you to feel better, to help more people feel better. 

What else can you do? Here are some places to start.

  • Explore your limiting thoughts and unconscious resistance around you as a healer or guide. These are often ancient and layered but look specifically around the ideas of exposure, abundance, change, trust.

  • Level up your skills by focusing on a specialty, or by learning something new to incorporate and diversify.

  • Invest in healing your shadow, your family wounds, deconstructing your ego-self, and overcoming self-sabotage.

  • Be honest about your coping mechanisms for stress-management and avoidance. And skip the self-judgement. Your inner-critic will only slow you down.

  • Strengthen your channel, your body, your energy body, to withstand your empathic sensitivities, and the rising tide of grief and trauma that is coming up to be healed.

  • Take an inventory of your relationships and nourish the ones that nourish you and practice boundaries with the ones that don't.

  • Commit, again and deeper, to your personal practice, ie, walk your talk.

  • Sign up for an anti-racist training and listen to voices that are not of your cultural, racial, socio-economic background and be honest about how our healing, and our healing practice, is interconnected, and requires that we pay attention and honor the experience of everyone else around us. Commit to deconstructing the way that you have also been a part of oppression.

  • Find the guides, healers, teachers, and mentors that are able to help you level up. Invest in your healing, education, and growth. 

  • Connect again more deeply to the sacred, the current, the thread that binds your soul to it's path. You will understand more of what you are here to do if you listen.

This list is cursory and brief but we need to start somewhere. Please let me know if you would like to hear more information about any of these suggestions...there is surely lots more to say. But I also want you know know that it can be simple. A simple choice. An act of doing that is different. Sometimes all it takes is one decision and one action to turn things around. Sometimes it is a deep topic with unseen layers that unfolds over time.

No matter what square you are standing on, everyone needs to take one giant step forward. So whether this means that you are just beginning to hear the call of your soul, or that you are being asked to fully embody nothing less than your I AM Presence in the world, one thing is still true at all levels. It will become increasingly uncomfortable to remain the same.

Let's do this.

I am with you. 

I love you,

And remember, before we can begin to support others, we must be able to support ourselves. If you are seeking more guidance on refining your energetic hygiene amidst this turbulent time, then you may be interested in my Energetic Boundaries and Spiritual Self Care course—a self-paced program designed to expand your awareness of how you connect with yourself and the world around you.

Grieve, Love, Act

Do not stop. Love more. Love harder. Love boundlessly. Do not surrender to the wave of hopelessness that is rising within you. That grief, let it breathe. Give it space. Take your time. Let if flow out of you and fill the streets and run into the rivers and out to the sea. That grief is your humanity, your deep and intense love for one another, your compass that is so full of injustice that the tears must flow. Grieve, and love. Love more.

In the vibration of love, we are the balance the world needs. And it is is imperative that we hold the line. Everyday that we wake up and find our center, and are grounded in our strong hearts, we are holding a vibrational field that is the steadiness during these shifting times. The rising tide of chaos is here. The sorting process has begun. It is part of the cycle we are in. Eris is risen. We must hold the line. Hold the frequency of love through it all. 

One basic thing that we all must do now is hold our center, to ground deeply into ourselves so that we can maintain this frequency. We must take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. Meditate, eat well, stay hydrated, get enough sleep, move your body, nourish your physical body and your energy body, hold love. Be love.

Secondly, remember that Love is also an action. It means showing up when someone needs you. And the world needs you. Now. I know you feel it. It is probably so overwhelming that you may feel paralyzed, not sure where to begin, how to focus your efforts, exhausted by the news of yet another act of hate, oppression, and violence. Do not give up. Just start. One step at a time. Choose one thing.

I had intended to include a list here of all the ways that you could choose to lean in.  And then I realized that the list was too long. Literally everyone you know needs help. Including you. And so, the list has just turned into one important question.... In this moment right now, how can you be of service? Right now, what can you do big or small? Find something today and do it. And then find something tomorrow, and do it. 

First, grieve. Feel all your feelings. Do not skip this part. Second, find your center and grounded self. Then, choose one act of love that will make a difference in the world today.

You can do this. We can do this. Together.

I love you,


And if you are seeking additional support for grounding yourself so as to better support others, consider enrolling in my Energetic Boundaries and Spiritual Self Care course—a self-paced program designed to expand your awareness of how you connect with yourself and the world around you.